27 marzo 2008
26 marzo 2008
Meno male che Silvio c'è...
Oggi Silvio è stato nella mia città ed è stato un tripudio!!!
Vi esorto a farvi delle grasse risate guardando questo video... :D
Vi esorto a farvi delle grasse risate guardando questo video... :D
23 marzo 2008
Credo sia l'aggettivo migliore per descrivermi in questa giornata.
Mi sono svegliato di pessimo umore. Irritato.
Ho maledetto il mondo intero stamani.
Il tempo invernale di oggi non aiuta per niente:
è la classica giornata in cui non vedi il sole e
non smette di piovere e l'umidità sembra penetrarti
fino alle ossa.
E' bastato ascoltare una canzone per farmi precipitare
in uno stato di profonda malinconia, in cui adoro crogiolarmi...
"Listenin' to the pouring rain
Waiting for the world to change
Beginning to wonder if we'll wait in vain
For one fine day"
Marillion / One Fine Day
Mi sono svegliato di pessimo umore. Irritato.
Ho maledetto il mondo intero stamani.
Il tempo invernale di oggi non aiuta per niente:
è la classica giornata in cui non vedi il sole e
non smette di piovere e l'umidità sembra penetrarti
fino alle ossa.
E' bastato ascoltare una canzone per farmi precipitare
in uno stato di profonda malinconia, in cui adoro crogiolarmi...
"Listenin' to the pouring rain
Waiting for the world to change
Beginning to wonder if we'll wait in vain
For one fine day"
Marillion / One Fine Day
22 marzo 2008
Qualche giorno fa stavo chattando con un'amica che
mi stava confessando di sentirsi un po' "depressa", perché
la sua aspettativa si è ridotta all'arrivo del weekend,
da quando ha iniziato a lavorare dopo la laurea.
E ho iniziato a pensare che provo la stessa sensazione,
ma da tanti anni ormai, anche quando mi trovavo all'università.
Non saprei dire con precisione il motivo: forse perché
anche da studente andavo a Roma tutti i giorni e
mi sentivo un po' parte dell'ingranaggio.
E mi sono talmente abituato all'idea che non mi pesa neanche più.
E' proprio vero che l'uomo fa l'abitudine a qualsiasi aberrazione! :)
Ma voglio credere che questo sia dovuto anche al fatto che
mi piace il mio lavoro, l'ambiente, mi dà soddisfazione e
mi fa sentire realizzato.
Imparo cose nuove ogni giorno e
ogni giorno capisco di essere "cresciuto" un po'.
Tutto questo ha un beneficio su me stesso,
perché aiuta a farmi sentire un po' più sicuro:
questa, forse, è la cosa più importante. :)
mi stava confessando di sentirsi un po' "depressa", perché
la sua aspettativa si è ridotta all'arrivo del weekend,
da quando ha iniziato a lavorare dopo la laurea.
E ho iniziato a pensare che provo la stessa sensazione,
ma da tanti anni ormai, anche quando mi trovavo all'università.
Non saprei dire con precisione il motivo: forse perché
anche da studente andavo a Roma tutti i giorni e
mi sentivo un po' parte dell'ingranaggio.
E mi sono talmente abituato all'idea che non mi pesa neanche più.
E' proprio vero che l'uomo fa l'abitudine a qualsiasi aberrazione! :)
Ma voglio credere che questo sia dovuto anche al fatto che
mi piace il mio lavoro, l'ambiente, mi dà soddisfazione e
mi fa sentire realizzato.
Imparo cose nuove ogni giorno e
ogni giorno capisco di essere "cresciuto" un po'.
Tutto questo ha un beneficio su me stesso,
perché aiuta a farmi sentire un po' più sicuro:
questa, forse, è la cosa più importante. :)
17 marzo 2008
"Io lo so che non sono solo anche quando sono solo".
Così parlò Jovanotti.
Ed io lo so (che non sono solo anche quando sono solo)?!?!?!
Così parlò Jovanotti.
Ed io lo so (che non sono solo anche quando sono solo)?!?!?!
15 marzo 2008
14 marzo 2008
Un giorno da incorniciare
Qualche giorno fa stavo cercando di svuotare l'hard disk esterno
del mio computer da mp3, film e foto accumulatisi in questi mesi...
Durante questa specie di pulizie di Pasqua o di primavera anticipate,
mi sono imbattuto nelle foto del giorno della discussione della mia tesi!
Per chi c'era... e per chi non c'era,
trovate l'intero album cliccando qui! :)
12 marzo 2008
Cosa siamo?
Fish / Just Good Friends (Close)
There's something I want to ask you
Before it's too late,
It's been on my mind since the first time we met
It scares me now more, now there's more at stake,
It seems we're so close yet so far away.
Could you turn me down gently would I
Be out of order,
If I declared my true feelings or do I
Act out the part,
Of the father confessor of the shoulder to cry on
We're always so close yet so far away
chorus: What would you do if I got down
On my knees to you
Would you hold it against me,
Would you stand in line?
What would you do if I
Opened my heart to you,
Would I be another who's wasting his time,
Darling are we just good friends?
Do I really need to ask you
I'm sure that you know by now,
Do we just play a game where we try to pretend,
That all that's between us is all that's between us,
And all we can rely on is just being good friends.
So are we left to chance meetings,
Is that all we can depend on?
Resigned to raise glasses in anonymous cafes,
Reciting our failures as if we needed
Proof or regret,
Over what might have
There's something I want to ask you
Before it's too late,
It's been on my mind since the first time we met
It scares me now more, now there's more at stake,
It seems we're so close yet so far away.
Could you turn me down gently would I
Be out of order,
If I declared my true feelings or do I
Act out the part,
Of the father confessor of the shoulder to cry on
We're always so close yet so far away
chorus: What would you do if I got down
On my knees to you
Would you hold it against me,
Would you stand in line?
What would you do if I
Opened my heart to you,
Would I be another who's wasting his time,
Darling are we just good friends?
Do I really need to ask you
I'm sure that you know by now,
Do we just play a game where we try to pretend,
That all that's between us is all that's between us,
And all we can rely on is just being good friends.
So are we left to chance meetings,
Is that all we can depend on?
Resigned to raise glasses in anonymous cafes,
Reciting our failures as if we needed
Proof or regret,
Over what might have
11 marzo 2008
In cuor mio continuo a sperare che sia così...
"Tentava di giudicare l'amore futuro in base alla sofferenza passata.
L'amore è sempre nuovo. Non importa che amiamo una, due, dieci volte nella vita: ci troviamo sempre davanti a una situazione che non conosciamo. L'amore può condurci all'inferno o in paradiso, comunque ci porta sempre in qualche luogo. E' necessario accettarlo, perchè esso è ciò che alimenta la nostra esistenza. Se non lo accettiamo, moriremo di fame pur avendo i rami dell'albero della vita carichi di frutti: non avremo il coraggio di tendere la mano e coglierli. E' necessario ricercare l'amore là dove si trova, anche se ciò potrebbe significare ore, giorni, settimane di delusione e di tristezza.
Perchè, nel momento in cui partiamo in cerca dell'amore, anche l'amore muove per venirci incontro.
E ci salva."
Sulla sponda del fiume Pedra mi sono seduta e ho pianto (Paulo Coelho)
L'amore è sempre nuovo. Non importa che amiamo una, due, dieci volte nella vita: ci troviamo sempre davanti a una situazione che non conosciamo. L'amore può condurci all'inferno o in paradiso, comunque ci porta sempre in qualche luogo. E' necessario accettarlo, perchè esso è ciò che alimenta la nostra esistenza. Se non lo accettiamo, moriremo di fame pur avendo i rami dell'albero della vita carichi di frutti: non avremo il coraggio di tendere la mano e coglierli. E' necessario ricercare l'amore là dove si trova, anche se ciò potrebbe significare ore, giorni, settimane di delusione e di tristezza.
Perchè, nel momento in cui partiamo in cerca dell'amore, anche l'amore muove per venirci incontro.
E ci salva."
Sulla sponda del fiume Pedra mi sono seduta e ho pianto (Paulo Coelho)
10 marzo 2008
Lo scienziato di Viterbo
Ho scoperto un mito (grazie anche al trio Medusa), anzi due miti:
Stefano e Cristiano i gemelli scienziati!
Se volete sganasciarvi dalle risate,
potete vederli qui, in tutta la loro viterbesità! :)
Stefano e Cristiano i gemelli scienziati!
Se volete sganasciarvi dalle risate,
potete vederli qui, in tutta la loro viterbesità! :)
09 marzo 2008
Un mare di emozioni
Sting / Be Still My Beating Heart
Be still my beating heart
It would be better to be cool
It's not time to be open just yet
A lesson once learned is so hard to forget
Be still my beating heart
Or I'll be taken for a fool
It's not healthy to run at this pace
The blood runs so red to my face
I've been to every single book I know
To soothe the thoughts that plague me so
I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean
My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart
Restore my broken dreams
Shattered like a falling glass
I'm not ready to be broken just yet
A lesson once learned is so hard to forget
Be still my beating heart
You must learn to stand your ground
It's not healthy to run at this pace
The blood runs so red to my face
I've been to every single book I know
To soothe the thoughts that plague me so
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart
Never to be wrong
Never to make promises that break
It's like singing in the wind
Or writing on the surface of a lake
And I wriggle like a fish caught on dry land
And I struggle to avoid any help at hand
I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean
My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart
Be still my beating heart
It would be better to be cool
It's not time to be open just yet
A lesson once learned is so hard to forget
Be still my beating heart
Or I'll be taken for a fool
It's not healthy to run at this pace
The blood runs so red to my face
I've been to every single book I know
To soothe the thoughts that plague me so
I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean
My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart
Restore my broken dreams
Shattered like a falling glass
I'm not ready to be broken just yet
A lesson once learned is so hard to forget
Be still my beating heart
You must learn to stand your ground
It's not healthy to run at this pace
The blood runs so red to my face
I've been to every single book I know
To soothe the thoughts that plague me so
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart
Never to be wrong
Never to make promises that break
It's like singing in the wind
Or writing on the surface of a lake
And I wriggle like a fish caught on dry land
And I struggle to avoid any help at hand
I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean
My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart
07 marzo 2008
Ti auguro...
... di superare questo momento difficile il prima possibile, tessssoro...
che ogni preoccupazione, malinconia e dolore voli via
come se niente fosse mai accaduto.
che ogni preoccupazione, malinconia e dolore voli via
come se niente fosse mai accaduto.
06 marzo 2008
FISH / Vigil
Listen to me, just hear me out,
if I could have your attention
just quieten down
for a voice in the crowd, in the crowd.
I get so confused... and I don’t understand
I know you feel the same way
you’ve always wanted to say
but you don’t get the chance
just a voice in the crowd, in the crowd.
I don’t know the score anymore
it’s not clear anymore
I can’t tell right from wrong anymore,
I just don’t understand!
I was just sitting here thinking
of exchanging a new world for old
like changing the channels on TV,
or the dirt that we stand in to gold.
When I was young, my father
told me just bad guys die
at that time just a little white lie
it was one of the first but it hurt me the most
and the truth stung like tears in my eyes
that even the good guys must die
there’s no reasoning, no crimes
and I never knew why
even now it still makes me cry.
If there’s somebody up there,
could they throw me down a line?
Just a little helping hand,
just a little understanding
just some answers to the questions
that surround me now.
If there’s somebody up there,
could they throw me down a line?
Just a little guiding light,
to tell wrong from right
just some answers to the questions
that I’m asking you.
I keep a vigil in the wilderness of mirrors
Where nothing here is ever what it seems
You stand so close but you never understand it
For all that we see
is not all that it seems, am I blind?
And you sit there and talk revolution
but can you tell me just who’s in command?
When you tell me the forces we’re fighting
then I’ll join you and gladly make plans.
But for now only our T-shirts cry freedom
and our voices are gagged by our greed
our minds are harnessed by knowledge
by the hill and the will to succeed
and if that’s not what you believe
would you just let me now I’m not standing alone
that I’m not just a voice in the crowd.
If there’s somebody up there,
could they throw me down a line?
Just a little helping hand,
just a little understand
just some answers
to the questions that I’m asking you.
If there’s somebody up there,
could they throw me down a line?
Just a little guiding light
to tell wrong from right
just some answers
to the questions that I’m asking you.
I keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
where nothing is exactly how it seems
you’re reaching out,
you’re so close you can touch it
but it all disappeared when it’s always so near.
But one day we will find that we stand in the light
until then I’ll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
nothing here is ever what it seems
I’m scared to shout in case
I draw attention from the powers
that preside over our minds and our lives
when they find what I want
is the deadliest weapon, that is truth.
Day by day it’s getting louder
and day by day it’s getting stronger
but when I can’t scream no more
and I need reassurance
I listen to the crowd
Listen to me, just hear me out,
if I could have your attention
just quieten down
for a voice in the crowd, in the crowd.
I get so confused... and I don’t understand
I know you feel the same way
you’ve always wanted to say
but you don’t get the chance
just a voice in the crowd, in the crowd.
I don’t know the score anymore
it’s not clear anymore
I can’t tell right from wrong anymore,
I just don’t understand!
I was just sitting here thinking
of exchanging a new world for old
like changing the channels on TV,
or the dirt that we stand in to gold.
When I was young, my father
told me just bad guys die
at that time just a little white lie
it was one of the first but it hurt me the most
and the truth stung like tears in my eyes
that even the good guys must die
there’s no reasoning, no crimes
and I never knew why
even now it still makes me cry.
If there’s somebody up there,
could they throw me down a line?
Just a little helping hand,
just a little understanding
just some answers to the questions
that surround me now.
If there’s somebody up there,
could they throw me down a line?
Just a little guiding light,
to tell wrong from right
just some answers to the questions
that I’m asking you.
I keep a vigil in the wilderness of mirrors
Where nothing here is ever what it seems
You stand so close but you never understand it
For all that we see
is not all that it seems, am I blind?
And you sit there and talk revolution
but can you tell me just who’s in command?
When you tell me the forces we’re fighting
then I’ll join you and gladly make plans.
But for now only our T-shirts cry freedom
and our voices are gagged by our greed
our minds are harnessed by knowledge
by the hill and the will to succeed
and if that’s not what you believe
would you just let me now I’m not standing alone
that I’m not just a voice in the crowd.
If there’s somebody up there,
could they throw me down a line?
Just a little helping hand,
just a little understand
just some answers
to the questions that I’m asking you.
If there’s somebody up there,
could they throw me down a line?
Just a little guiding light
to tell wrong from right
just some answers
to the questions that I’m asking you.
I keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
where nothing is exactly how it seems
you’re reaching out,
you’re so close you can touch it
but it all disappeared when it’s always so near.
But one day we will find that we stand in the light
until then I’ll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
nothing here is ever what it seems
I’m scared to shout in case
I draw attention from the powers
that preside over our minds and our lives
when they find what I want
is the deadliest weapon, that is truth.
Day by day it’s getting louder
and day by day it’s getting stronger
but when I can’t scream no more
and I need reassurance
I listen to the crowd
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